Interpersonal Communication



ASF / PSI organizes individual and couple counseling sessions through the ASF/PSI network of clinics and health centers. Between July and September 2011, 10,358 people were counseled, leading to 627 new acceptors of modern contraceptives. Peer educators and interpersonal communication activities reached 62,742 people in Kinshasa during this same period.


ABEF provides counseling at health centers and clinics and has successfully developed peer education program. Twenty-three peer educators have trained more than 300 community volunteers, who serve as agents of community-based distribution in Kinshasa in 2011.


In 2011, UNFPA supported trainings to community mobilizers in collaboration with religious groups in Kinshasa. A total of 87 mobilisers from seven churches in Kinshasa were trained for 3 days to build community capacity and communication skills in family planning, first aid to pregnant women and new mothers, and the consequences of early sexual relationship outside marriage. Evaluation of this training demonstrated that 13 community mobilizers reached 143 men, 1 women, and 3,093 young adults in two months (September and October 2011), leading to 68 new contraceptive acceptors in the Bobila Dawa Health Zone in Ngaba. Army officers trained as mobilizers reached 143 men, 1,045 women, and 1,890 young adults and mobilizers at independent churches reached 1,660 men, 5,400 women, and 680 young adults. UNFPA works with local NGOs, including ABEF and RAJECOPOD, to conduct activities for youth and community volunteers through the peer education program.



Conduite de la Fecondité trains educators to counsel individuals and groups on family planning, increasing awareness on method choice and fertility-based methods. Educators are recruited among contraceptive users, often teachers or housewives having completed six years of secondary education, and receive formal training for 3 months. Counselors educate women and caregivers on infant health and family planning at health centers in Kinshasa through the peer-counseling program. In 2011, 654 education sessions reached 35,000 women at health centers.


In 2011, the Islamic Community in Congo (COMICO) conducted 67 education sessions that reached 664 women and youth. Sixty outreach sessions conducted by churches reached 2405 persons during 4 months. L’Église Kimbanguist reached 876 men, 1355 women, and 1101 young people in 2 months with outreach activities. Outreach activities planned for the Catholic Church have not been realized.